Friday, July 09, 2004

the price of love

have you ever tried to put a number to it?

how much are you worth to a friend? $10 for a x'mas present? maybe $20 for your birthday. also maybe no presents but just them who remember your birthday when you're halfway across the world.

how much are you loved by your parents? my dad's email to me today brought tears to my eyes. he is by no means an email-writer.
"hi, hvnt heard fm u since u left london.
still feeling sleepy after two days.
let me know whether u need storage in frisco"
a simple three lines which spelled out i love you. i love you too pops.

and for a lover? countless faulty phonecards, flying across oceans like we're migratory birds confused by the change in seasons. in all i think 2 years and 10 grand well spent.

they say love is priceless. as an almost-not economics major, i venture to say that one can put a price tag on love (as many economists have done with other seemingly intangibles). but as an almost-not economics major, i also say love is immeasurable. it is wonderful and beautiful and to experience it is worth paying any price.


Blogger takeflighttonight said...

since i am soo in the mood of quoting songs today, here is one for u:

you'll be given love, you'll be taken care of
you'll be given love, you have to trust it
maybe not from the sources you have poured yours
maybe not from the directions
you are staring at
twist your head around
it's all around you
all is full of love
all around you...

5:19 PM  

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