Sunday, July 11, 2004

swimming pool

the weather being as gorgeous as it has been the last two days, i just could not not jump into a refreshing body of water. the only regret i have is keeping my eyes open underwater. i used to be able to do it while swimming for hours as a kid, but like i said, age does weird things to you. so yesterday, after my lovely swim, i finally felt what my myopic friends out there have to live with everyday of their lives. everything more than a metre away was a blur. tc asked, "should we turn on the subtitles?" "ah, i can't see them even if you did"

but the public pool is a cool place. being by myself has forced me to really look around and observe all the wonderful things going on.

there's the prepubescent couple in the deep end. i bet the boy has an erection and she can feel it brushing against her through his thin swim shorts.

then there's the half naked kids (girls too!) rolling around in what is a "beach"--ann arbor's makeshift beach volley ball pit next to the pool. it really feels like i'm in bali. really!

the two college boys who come to see a friend who is a lifeguard. baywatch-fit in her red two-piece, long tan legs and dirty blond hair.

then the mothers who let it all hang out and the all-too-skinny fathers who have never stooped to waxing.

of course there are those who are there to really swim. those who try to perfect the butterfly stroke with that figure eight looking flotation device between their legs and arms flailing hopelessly as they desperately gasp for air above the surface. you know, their awkward attempts wouldn't bother me as much (because i suffer from such failures myself) except that they block the lane and cause waves that push up into my nose leaving a horrible chlorine aftertaste in my respiratory system.

despite the fact that i am most probably swimming in sanitized urine and mucus, the two days of paddling in a lane have been fun. i think as long as weather permits, i will go to the outdoor pool. makes me feel like i'm at home. kind of. the sun, the noise and the water.


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