Saturday, March 12, 2005

small talkin'

i'm just not a bar-type. i hate the pointless socializing at a lame bar, making small talk over way too loud music. maybe it's because i'm just not good at it. after the heey what's up! so how long have you been here? what you got planned this weekend? wow, this place is pretty cool huh? --i just run out of things to say and my mind races against the seconds to think of more small talk to dig up. maybe it's because i don't drink much and it sucks being the only un-drunk one among a roomful of hammered individuals. maybe i'm just boring and would rather be watching tv at home. probably just all of the above.

i desperately want curly/wavy hair because i'm sick of this boring stick-straightness. so i tried self-curling (hang helped too!) and ended up with limp stringy waves that just wouldn't cut it. so a pure stroke of genius inspired me to make braids all over my head and sleep on it-literally. haha. undoing my braids this morning, i prayed the braids would work a miracle and leave my hair looking wavy and rather sexy. but as life would have it, i looked more like an electric current ran through my head than i had curls. damn.

so i want to talk to my bf on the phone but there's no reception in the subway and the bus is too noisy to hear him. i also want to get out of the office and hit the gym, but if i did, i wouldn't be able to talk to dan. but if i waited for after talking to go to the gym, i'd probably get lazy and not go at all. see my dilemma? too many good things i need/want to do but so little time. so i decided to just WALK--all the way from 59th st to 14th st. that way i could talk to the bf AND get my workout eh? the only problem was my legs started itching like mad when i got home because of the biting windchill but small price to pay for killing many birds with one stone.

tonight i have braided my hair again in hope that tomorrow i will have some curls to be proud of.


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