knit wits
there's this knit shop not far from where i live that's very trendy. i think it is called knit new york or something pseudo-cool like that. one can knit some yarn and sip coffee at the same time at this wannabe upscale place. it's the biggest mystery on the block because everytime i peer in, there's not one old person fuddy-duddy in sight. all the knitters are young and hip. and i have a huge suspicion that friday night is gay night because every time i've walked by on a friday i have seen ONLY MEN knitting away. i guess now knit new york can be added to the list of gay hangouts including the nearby prada or gucci store.
another thing i was wondering is how madonna got her name.
another thing i was wondering is how madonna got her name.
madonna got her name from macdonalds
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