Tuesday, February 20, 2007

back home

my throat is hoarse from all the durian i've been stuffing my face with.
the first thing i did once i set foot at home was open the fridge and exclaim "i smell durian!". i proceeeded to wipe it all out very quickly.
the first thing my grandma did when she saw me was to ask "got boyfriend?"
my whole family has been asking the same thing, pretending they don't already know.

glover the brown dog has heartworms. poor boy has been reduced to a scary skeletal state. my parents wish him dead because no one can control him when my sister is away. i urge my sister to take him to the vet but she says my parents will refuse to do followups after she's gone and he gets no love from anyone else at home but her. putting him down would be kinder because he will eventually die a slow death, eaten from the inside by worms, but she cannot do it because it is too painful for her.
i have always thought it would be easy to decide for someone when their lives should end if they were suffering and incapable of thought. but this is proving to be much more difficult than i had ever imagined.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

babe, i love u to death, but please please please do something about glover. no living thing deserves to suffer like that, and glover has been a good dog to you guys. (xiu)

7:56 AM  

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