Wednesday, October 06, 2004

of shower curtains and organic food

there's no shower curtain in my bathroom because i think i was too lazy to put them up when we first moved in. now i have just come to live with it as with other things i've learned to ignore. so sometimes when i shower, i'm plagued by the fear that someone will walk in on a very helpless and naked me. either i live with that worry, or install a spanking new shower curtain and deal with the possibility i might draw the shower curtain one dark night and find a dead body lying in a pool of blood on the floor. we'll see which gets the better of me.

and i am so thrilled because i took ellen and philip (at different times) to the whole foods store in ann arbor and now not only have they themselves become whole food junkies, they've spread the love to their own friends and both have blogged about their whole foods experience! tee hee. we have started a community around a brand guys. funny that it's organic food but hey, this is the power of word-of-mouth and let's-go advertising.

when i have enough money, i will buy whole foods stocks. company with a great philosophy and love for the environment. and they sell good and healthy food to boot. i would apply to work for them if they weren't in austin texas. but i tell you, organic is the way to go. just watch.


Blogger fnb said...

let me tell you...anne brought some of her whole foods stuff to a cell grp meeting and they loved it ! wait for the tipping point.

4:38 PM  

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