Friday, October 07, 2005

not the best things

the worst thing that can ever happen to a 23 year old is getting a hair cut that looks like the one she had when she was 16. the guy lopped off hair my glorious crop and gave it this trendy blunt cut (because i said i didn't want wispy, he took it to the other extreme!!) over layered the remaining and china-dolled my bangs. not that i even had such a bad hair cut when i was 16. it's just that i'm way too ashamed to let my hair down now that i keep it up in a short bouncy ponytail with my bangs pinned up and i look exactly as i did in my sec4 graduation picture. horrors!!

it'll be months more of torture before my lovely locks grow out again and i was so devastated yesterday that i didn't see anyone or want to do anything.

there's a bat that's made its home under the roof tiles outside my bathroom and everytime i sit on the potty i see it hnaging upside down by itself and wonder where its family might be lurking. then out side my bathroom in the planter box i saw this GIANT (and i mean GIANT!!!) snail shell. like a gigantisaurus snail. i thought that it must be dead because it was just sitting in the corner for a few days. today i looked out again and the shell is gone. the GIANT MONTSTER SNAIL is on the lose in the planter box and who knows maybe it will some day find its way into my bathroom!!

i'm feeling sick and i don't know if it's the heat, lack of rest or allergies. i'm breathing heavy and my nose is constantly runny. plus i have 20 or more welts from the mosquitoes who just know to attack me rather than my dad because it'll annoy me more.


Blogger JJ said...

jia, drop me an email asap k

12:45 AM  

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