Friday, February 24, 2006

this week will be one of those weeks i will remember as a new york experience.

monday was a holiday which was nice and so lynette justin and i went for a session of qi gong tui na (chinese massage), which for me was a good relief after yoga the day before. all was good until night when i didn't sleep well and felt cold all night. went to work the next day feeling like crap and ended up leaving at lunch coz once again i was shivering out of my skin. got home after popping a tablet of motrin and crashed for the next 6 hours only to wake up again with the freakin shivers. i'm thinkin wtf is wrong with me and put on another sweatshirt and a scarf. after a few email correspondences with jeremy he convinces me to not be stupid and see a doc. so i put on a pair of jeans, a jacket on top of my two sweatshirts and brave the cold in a yellow cab and make my way to bellevue's ER. when i get there they point me to pediatric emergency because i'm only 24 (25 is considered adult). i wait two hours.

shiver my way to sleep again that night and the night after because of fever i think. but i have figured out the trick. motrin (fever reducer) lasts only six hours so i have to pop the tablets every 5.5hours to avoid the ridiculous shivers. past 6 hours and the fever comes on and it takes about 15 mins for the motrin to work and in the meantime i am cold and shivering like a mofo.

but oh well all is good now and the weekend is here so i can rest up. feel like going for yoga but that might just squeeze my insides the wrong way and i don't want to offend my body again.


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