Monday, March 19, 2007


today i enter my apt and to my horror see a roach lying dead on its back. my stomach did a hurl and i let out a weak yelp. i had to go back and open my door so i'd have a quick escape if for some reason the dead cockroach suddenly resurrected.

why the fuck do these insects have to die where we live??? i had to tear some subscription inserts from my glamour magazine and sweep the dead thing into a paper bag. the feelers were still long and intact and caught onto the handles of my paper bag and flipped over back onto the floor. i screamed in pain and fear and i calculate how fucking terribly fucked i'd be if now that the creature is the right way up, it will suddenly scuttle off, or worse still decide to run up my arm into my coat sleeve. oh shudders.

i quickly finish the task and double bag it. i proceed to put the bag which holds the creature outside my apt because i am paranoid about the evilness of these things.
as i reach behind my makeshift coat closet for a skirt, there lies ANOTHER dead roach!!! WTF. perhaps there was some territorial battle over my apt while i was gone??? FUCK. why are they on the 6th floor in the first place???
so after another mission roach sweep, i quickly changed, gathered my clothes and hurtled out. i am now officially afraid to go back home by myself.

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Blogger free fleeting said...

OMG JIA. that's so scary. i think i might die on the spot if i were to find roaches in my apt. or rats. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.

4:46 PM  

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