Tuesday, July 20, 2004


i have an ulcer on my lower lip. it's actually two or three smaller ones that have merged to form a large, slightly painful but damn bloody annoying thing that makes my lip protrude somewhat.
this is my theory about ulcers.

most of the time, it starts because you are heaty. in my case,  it was from eating a mango a day.  when you are heaty, your body expands. most noticeably and painfully, from the times you bite very hard, it's parts of your mouth. (you get it? your lips and the insides of your cheeks swell up such that it gets in the way of your teeth).

they say once bitten twice shy. i say once bitten, will bite many more times. so from the multiple tooth-stabbings, the lip begins to develop multiple, ugly, festering sores.  :(

so as a potential old wife, here's my tale. eat mangoes but balance the heatiness with some cool. like watermelon. and drink a lot of water.



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