Tuesday, October 26, 2004

back from wonderland

never heard of sardinia until one day elaine said to me, "do you know the longest-living people come from this place called sardinia?" but actually i forgot until she reminded me again recently. it started because dan said, ok, we're going to sardinia. sure. sounds good dah-ling. then i said happily to elaine, dan and i are going to sardinia. looks like such a pretty place from the pictures. jia! don't you remember i told you that it has the longest-living people? hmmm...no not really, but ok, cool!

so off we went this weekend to the wonder of an island off the italian coast. it was truly beautiful, and i cannot come close to describing it anymore poetically. you shall have to see the pictures which hardly do the place justice thanks to the ever-untrustworthy gateway camera.

"a fine remedy for anxieties about insignificance may be to travel-in reality or in works of art- through the gigantic spaces of the world" --alain de botton, Status Anxiety

this i find to be very true, in fact just the day before i read this line, i commented to dan in the car the very same thing. in the midst of breathtaking natural landscapes, i feel so small and inconsequential, captured in awe at god's hand and creation. it makes me feel like everything i'm worried/concerned about is merely transient and will pass away with days, weeks, but these things (mountains, valleys, canyons etc etc) they have been around for eons and will continue to be for as long as our minds can perceive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the world truly is your playground, Ern. you are so lucky - i'm delighted you had a great time in Sardinia. love the pictures,

4:30 PM  

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