Thursday, March 22, 2007

potty-mouthed me. i'm one of those who only really started saying fuck after i could watch r-rated movies in singapore. now i say fuck for everything and i love the sound of it because it's so succinct and gets the point across.
i even say fuck in front of my parents now because they've used it in front of me.

so my habit of not really watching my mouth wouldn't be so bad if i didn't spout off everything that went through my mind. like the one time i was out at a meeting with my big boss. we were making small talk about stuff and started talking about yoga.
me: i just do yoga for the exercise. i think it's a great workout, but i don't get the bullshit that these yogis talk about like getting to another level and that they feel liberated of their hurt and anger and all this other huff. i think it's just taking it a little too far.
boss: well, actually i've started reading a few books about organic living and spirituality etc.
me: oh really? why?
boss: my wife is really into this alternative lifestyle- she teaches yoga.


was at my client's desk and he was telling me about a trip he was planning to china. we chatted about great hotels and places to see etc.
me: i've been very lucky because my parents love to travel and are pretty adventurous in their choice of destinations
client: that's great that you travel with your family so often
me: yes- my mother plans everything all the time- she creates the itinerary and tracks everything on a spreadsheet because she is a NUTCASE and loves being in control.
client: oh- i create spreadsheets too. i just don't trust anyone else. (he then proceeded to open it up and show it to me)


at some group dinner one night a not very good looking guy brings his even less good looking gf. the gf was not very either- the type that wears sneakers/tennis shoes with jeans.

someone: our prom queen was quite pretty
me: ok lah. not bad. but tak style leh.
someone: what do you mean?
me: i mean, eeyer, who wears jeans with snea..-- aiyah, she's just ok lah.



Blogger JJ said...

i saw your mother; at a club21 sale and had a truckload of clothes at the cashier. I thought either she's shopping for your sisters or she's going to visit you soon. damn, that was a lot of clothes..

12:51 PM  

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