Thursday, July 13, 2006

Please look at my LINKS on the left... go visit WWW.DEEPMARKET.COM. If you create a link to from your blog, the owner of will work with to offset a ton of carbon.

let's do our part for the environment peeps. here's a few steps we can all start taking immediately:

- tell the store you don't need a bag if you can put your new purchase in your bag. that's one less plastic bag you'll have to lug around on one arm and i mean, who wants to look like a bag lady anyway??
- if you're buying your lunch to take back to the office to eat immediately, refuse the plastic bag that you know you're just going to toss into the trash can once you're at your desk. even better- because you can carry less without a bag, you restrict yourself to only that one box of chicken rice- no ice-kachang or extra indian rojak we don't really need. ;) good for earth, good for you.
- everyone knows this from science/moral education classes in primary school, but just a reminder to not leave the water running when you are brushing your teeth. the extra gallon of water doesn't make your teeth any cleaner or your breath smell any better.
- ask for no rice if you're not really going to eat it. i need to get better at this because i am a big food waster when i pick at the carbs then stuff my face with dessert later.

with our powers combined - we are captain planet!


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