they leave a trail of mess in their wake.
hang and i went for a mani/pedicure today and i messed up one of my nails so this nice manicurist comes over to help me fix it. i politely say xie xie after, and she looks pleasantly surprised that i speak mandarin and asks ni shi hua ren? (you are chinese?) shi ah, (yes) i reply. wah, na wei shen me chuan de xiang yin du ren? (wah, then why are you dressed like an indian?). i had on my turquoise tunic.
then we couldn't stop laughing about the korean lady boss's funny accent- "you peeneesh arreddy, go eet lanchi"
i seem to score with cab drivers. when we arrived at o'hare airport, the cabby was helping me with my suitcase and he asked oh where are you from? singapore i said. oh wow, very unique, he commented. i said, oh my friend there is from portugal which is even rarer. no...singapore is more special...(thats when he gave me a sleazeball look) and we're both asian yeah... then he proceeded to take out a piece of paper and write his number down. he said, since you are in chicago every week, give me call and i will give you a good ride. and then horror of horrors, that's when he winked and licked his lips!!! omg.
hang and i went for a mani/pedicure today and i messed up one of my nails so this nice manicurist comes over to help me fix it. i politely say xie xie after, and she looks pleasantly surprised that i speak mandarin and asks ni shi hua ren? (you are chinese?) shi ah, (yes) i reply. wah, na wei shen me chuan de xiang yin du ren? (wah, then why are you dressed like an indian?). i had on my turquoise tunic.
then we couldn't stop laughing about the korean lady boss's funny accent- "you peeneesh arreddy, go eet lanchi"
i seem to score with cab drivers. when we arrived at o'hare airport, the cabby was helping me with my suitcase and he asked oh where are you from? singapore i said. oh wow, very unique, he commented. i said, oh my friend there is from portugal which is even rarer. no...singapore is more special...(thats when he gave me a sleazeball look) and we're both asian yeah... then he proceeded to take out a piece of paper and write his number down. he said, since you are in chicago every week, give me call and i will give you a good ride. and then horror of horrors, that's when he winked and licked his lips!!! omg.
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