Wednesday, December 28, 2005

aspartame is my nicotine

while some people i know cannot have enough of their marlboro lights i cannot have enough of coke light and diet mountain dew/diet sprite/fresca/diet snapple and whatever else have you that is a coloured dilution of chemicals like sorbitol and aspartame.

my mother packed food over here like an immigrant. she brought suitcases FULL of foodstuffs like New York was the boondocks and had only one american diner. all our cabinets are overstocked and i have to keep reminding her i am trying to be on this diet and cannot eat all the nonsense she brought over. i think mothers just like to do that- bring unnecessary food for their children, stuff that we used to eat when we were kids but really don't fancy that much now. like a carton of POCKY and dried mangoes. i mean i like pocky and dried mango, but she definitely brought a lifetime's supply of it.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

i cannot wait for sisters to come but i think they might hate me for planning out an itinerary for them so they will not waste their time just shopping at herald sq while i'm at work.

second sister was crowned prom queen- how cool is she. plus, she got into vet school so her life is all very exciting. lots of good news among us recently which is a nice blessing. but now i have to get more work clothes which is quite boring.

another thing to be thankful for is that season 4 of 24 has arrived and i also cannot wait to start watching.
promotion is a good thing i hope. quite happy now that i am no longer the helpdesk.