Monday, April 17, 2006

last week i experienced for the first time the mean new yorker.
almost late to work as usual, i decide oh well what the heck i'll take a cab. i stand on 14th st for 10 mins and there are absolutely no free cabs in sight. i'm back and forth between cab bus subway cab bus subway- neither of which is gonna get me to work on time anyway. finally a cab appears and as he pulls up to me, a lady from across the street runs over and tries to steal the cab from me!! i shouted out to her hey that's mine! she turns around aggressively and says "I am late for my meeting!" oh yeah, and so the earth must stop spinning so you can get there in time? try waking up earlier next time bitch. but of course i being the non confrontational asian that i am, the retaliation happens only in my head and all i can muster up is one big fat HUH? looking half perplexed and half pissed. i walk up to her and say EXCUSE ME- I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CAB FOR 10 MINS! and she says WELL IT IS MINE. I AM LATE FOR MY MEETING. she proceeds to open the door to get in and whaddya know- the door is locked! the driver seeing the crazy bitch that she was locked the doors on her. hahahahahaha. she was furious by now and stomped off in a huff. and in her hurry she managed to squeeze a moment in to swing back around and spit a very nasty FUCK YOU at me.

i got into the cab the the cabby said "what a crazy bitch! you should not have let her get away with it! you should have told her to GET OUT OF YOUR FACE. if it was a black girl in your place, she would not have let her get away with it- she would have told her to fuck off and get out of my face bitch. you have to be aggressive- you're in new york!" that was probably the first time i've had a bad new yorker encounter.

i woke up early on sunday morning and decided to walk cross town from ave A to the hudson river. and the funny observation i made- all these girls in clothes from last night walking home from the last night's hookup.

Friday, April 14, 2006

they leave a trail of mess in their wake.

hang and i went for a mani/pedicure today and i messed up one of my nails so this nice manicurist comes over to help me fix it. i politely say xie xie after, and she looks pleasantly surprised that i speak mandarin and asks ni shi hua ren? (you are chinese?) shi ah, (yes) i reply. wah, na wei shen me chuan de xiang yin du ren? (wah, then why are you dressed like an indian?). i had on my turquoise tunic.

then we couldn't stop laughing about the korean lady boss's funny accent- "you peeneesh arreddy, go eet lanchi"

i seem to score with cab drivers. when we arrived at o'hare airport, the cabby was helping me with my suitcase and he asked oh where are you from? singapore i said. oh wow, very unique, he commented. i said, oh my friend there is from portugal which is even rarer. no...singapore is more special...(thats when he gave me a sleazeball look) and we're both asian yeah... then he proceeded to take out a piece of paper and write his number down. he said, since you are in chicago every week, give me call and i will give you a good ride. and then horror of horrors, that's when he winked and licked his lips!!! omg.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i'm on team dude. i am the only female on my team and every morning i come in i'm like DOODS whats up. love the dirty guy talk when we are at the bar/dinner honestly.

and frankly it doesn't hurt being female and having to sell what i do because it's such a testosterone environment, they welcome female presence anytime. plus there's a lot i can get away with by simply smiling and saying oh good question let me get back to you.

a little buzzed right now from the quarter of a mojito i had and some wine.

can't wait for the long weekend. shrooms anyone? (just contemplating guys)