Saturday, March 31, 2007

my dress code of late has been my black danskin capri tights with anything comfortable and roomy on top.

what started out as comfy and practical-for-the-fall workout gear soon planted its roots in my wardrobe as my homewear, going-out-to-brunch wear, walking-around-soho wear. basically my so-i-never-have-to-think/never-have-to-get-up-and-change wear. so entrenched in my life are these tights that i decided i had to have 4 identical pairs- and i think i will be adding more to my spring/summer/fall/winter collection very soon.

so now, when i am out and about and have to meet fede at the gym, all i need is for him to bring my shoes and a t-shirt (instructions simple enough that guys won't fuck up hopefully) and i'm all ready to walk at high speed and high incline on those treadles!

on the topic of fashion, i have always been sort of a late follower of trends. like i never really got into the skinny jeans or denim mini minis, and i only got my hair rebonded after everyone was already on the curling bandwagon. so on fede's prompting this week i bought my very first pair of converse sneakers- many years behind everyone else i believe. i had always refused to get a pair because i was convinced they made my already big feet look more ronald mcdonald-ish than they needed to look, and also because i'm not a casual shoes person- if i'm going to wear anything comfortable on my feet, they will be slippers (and of course, consistent with my habits, i have more than 5 pairs of black flipflops). but yes, i have succumbed, even if a bit late, to converse sneakers which i will have to try and carve a new style out of. my only consolation is that they were a product(RED) product so i felt like i HAD to do it for the greater good anyway.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

potty-mouthed me. i'm one of those who only really started saying fuck after i could watch r-rated movies in singapore. now i say fuck for everything and i love the sound of it because it's so succinct and gets the point across.
i even say fuck in front of my parents now because they've used it in front of me.

so my habit of not really watching my mouth wouldn't be so bad if i didn't spout off everything that went through my mind. like the one time i was out at a meeting with my big boss. we were making small talk about stuff and started talking about yoga.
me: i just do yoga for the exercise. i think it's a great workout, but i don't get the bullshit that these yogis talk about like getting to another level and that they feel liberated of their hurt and anger and all this other huff. i think it's just taking it a little too far.
boss: well, actually i've started reading a few books about organic living and spirituality etc.
me: oh really? why?
boss: my wife is really into this alternative lifestyle- she teaches yoga.


was at my client's desk and he was telling me about a trip he was planning to china. we chatted about great hotels and places to see etc.
me: i've been very lucky because my parents love to travel and are pretty adventurous in their choice of destinations
client: that's great that you travel with your family so often
me: yes- my mother plans everything all the time- she creates the itinerary and tracks everything on a spreadsheet because she is a NUTCASE and loves being in control.
client: oh- i create spreadsheets too. i just don't trust anyone else. (he then proceeded to open it up and show it to me)


at some group dinner one night a not very good looking guy brings his even less good looking gf. the gf was not very either- the type that wears sneakers/tennis shoes with jeans.

someone: our prom queen was quite pretty
me: ok lah. not bad. but tak style leh.
someone: what do you mean?
me: i mean, eeyer, who wears jeans with snea..-- aiyah, she's just ok lah.


Monday, March 19, 2007


today i enter my apt and to my horror see a roach lying dead on its back. my stomach did a hurl and i let out a weak yelp. i had to go back and open my door so i'd have a quick escape if for some reason the dead cockroach suddenly resurrected.

why the fuck do these insects have to die where we live??? i had to tear some subscription inserts from my glamour magazine and sweep the dead thing into a paper bag. the feelers were still long and intact and caught onto the handles of my paper bag and flipped over back onto the floor. i screamed in pain and fear and i calculate how fucking terribly fucked i'd be if now that the creature is the right way up, it will suddenly scuttle off, or worse still decide to run up my arm into my coat sleeve. oh shudders.

i quickly finish the task and double bag it. i proceed to put the bag which holds the creature outside my apt because i am paranoid about the evilness of these things.
as i reach behind my makeshift coat closet for a skirt, there lies ANOTHER dead roach!!! WTF. perhaps there was some territorial battle over my apt while i was gone??? FUCK. why are they on the 6th floor in the first place???
so after another mission roach sweep, i quickly changed, gathered my clothes and hurtled out. i am now officially afraid to go back home by myself.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

inspired by last week's brunch (where me, karla, shanaz and hang at cafe cluny, were offered drinks by an old french man- he said he loved that we were so happy and laughing the whole time), i went out and bought granola, yoghurt and berries to make my new york brunch at home/fede's home. i had been craving fresh granola and yoghurt all week because the one at cafe cluny was by far the best i'd ever tasted so even though it meant i had to change, put on shoes and walk around the block, i was determined to have it this morning. of course i also had to buy a baguette because i love to break off the end and chew on it in the supermarket.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

chinese new year at home- late night dessert, hanging with the fam and playing with the mutant giant koi.

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