Wednesday, July 26, 2006

big night out

last saturday night i felt in the mood to boogey. after we got turned away from pink fucking elephant because we had too many guys with us yet again, me, winnie, hang, peggy and edmond from singapore who used to work in ny but now works in hk who also really likes hang decided to hit up marquee after the other 5 boys wizened up and went to eat instead.

a couple of glasses of champagne later i ventured onto the dance floor by myself thinking it might not be such a bad thing. i see the two cute guys that winnie and had eyed earlier on. they both had dark hair and dark deepset eyes, were about the same height and i thought fuck it- nothing to lose. so i (under the influence) boldly ask "are you two brothers?" (which is kind of lame but blame it on the alcohol).
"no- actually we are a couple" (WHAT THE F!!!)
"well you guys make a great looking couple then!"

so my first pick-up attempt was a terrible failure and my gaydar is obviously very weak. it all makes for a funny story though.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Please look at my LINKS on the left... go visit WWW.DEEPMARKET.COM. If you create a link to from your blog, the owner of will work with to offset a ton of carbon.

let's do our part for the environment peeps. here's a few steps we can all start taking immediately:

- tell the store you don't need a bag if you can put your new purchase in your bag. that's one less plastic bag you'll have to lug around on one arm and i mean, who wants to look like a bag lady anyway??
- if you're buying your lunch to take back to the office to eat immediately, refuse the plastic bag that you know you're just going to toss into the trash can once you're at your desk. even better- because you can carry less without a bag, you restrict yourself to only that one box of chicken rice- no ice-kachang or extra indian rojak we don't really need. ;) good for earth, good for you.
- everyone knows this from science/moral education classes in primary school, but just a reminder to not leave the water running when you are brushing your teeth. the extra gallon of water doesn't make your teeth any cleaner or your breath smell any better.
- ask for no rice if you're not really going to eat it. i need to get better at this because i am a big food waster when i pick at the carbs then stuff my face with dessert later.

with our powers combined - we are captain planet!

Monday, July 10, 2006

so we did end up setting up shop to sell our unwanted wares. last saturday adele kibum myself and leon (who carried the display table) hauled our stuff five block down ave A and put up our merchandise right outside tompkins sq park.

10 mins after we had established proprietorship over that 5sq ft outside the park entrance, some grungy kids rolled a couple of supermarket carts filled with sandwiches and fruit over. they were a group called food not bums and they would collect near expiration food from supermarkets and make sandwiches etc to give away to the homeless in the neighbourhood (who all happen to live in tompkins sq park btw)

a huge crowd/line grew next to our stall, and kibum who had just come back from buying a smoothie was slightly disappointed to find out that all these people were not in line for our stuff.

we put up hand-marked posters: $10, $7, $5 and below... and for a whole hour and a half we had ONE customer. by 6pm we were like fuck it let's just sell what we can for a buck each. and once we put up the everything for a dollar signs, we suddenly had a rush of people who couldn't care if they didn't fit the clothes because it was so damn cheap anyway.

i made a grand total of about $17 by the end, but not sure if the money was worth my time and effort. nonetheless it was something to do and it was a funny couple of hours of talking to the anarchist food distributors (they insist anarchy is their overarching philosophy), chatting with a customer who talked so fast that she was definitely tripping on crack, videotaping a crazy polish man who kept calling america garbage and whose pants fell off while he danced in front of the camera.

i will soon post videos up on youtube.