so last night from chinatown lynette and i shared a cab back. this time my excuse was it's too cold and my feet hurt and since lynette is sharing it...
after lynette dropped off i chatted with the cab driver who is a jordanian guy who moved his way from jordan to cali to new york and is a freelance diamond grader. it was a short but good chat and when i paid him later he said no no it's on me- i like talking to you. he then proceeded to write his number and email on the back of a receipt and told me to contact him. strange, but free cab ride.
then i walk into the deli to pick up fresca because i need the aspartame/malitol/sorbitol. i'm looking for it in the back and this older guy comes up to me and said, sorry to disturb you miss but i just had to come over and tell you you're the most beautiful woman i have seen. erm, oh thanks i try to be very gracious but in my sick state i really did not feel most beautiful (maybe as jeremy suggested it's my spanking new haircut- SWEEEET!). can i buy you anything- a drink, what you need from the store... we spend about five mins in front of the cooler with him telling me how beautiful i am and apologizing for being stalkerish (yeah no kidding dood). i cannot remember when i've said more thank yous and it's oks. i finally pull away and get up to the cashier when whaddya know, tito (his name) "bumps" into me again and offers to pay for my fresca and snapple. i politely declined but he insisted so oh well another freebie for the night.
now just gotta watch out for stalkers coz he knows i live at stuyvesant town. yikes. he too gave me his name and number. talk about HOT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. oh yeah baby i'm definitely on top of my game now. ;)