i love ripping out a pore pack strip from my nose. not all the time though- only when it manages to capture a whole bunch of gunk that has been residing under my skin. then i love scrutinizing those oily devils, marvelling at their potential to quietly wreak havoc but now satisfied with myself for putting them out of a job. HAH. i win!
but right now i feel like quite the loser because i am very very hungry having just woken up of course, but i can't go downstairs because i have this damn porepack strip on my face. this time it better be good.
anyway, enough of this facial gleaning.
so i am beginning to get antsy about everything. moving to ny, finding a job there, should i go to sf if not...aye, these things eating into my brain because the pressure to be doing something is so great.
i began my househunting two nights ago and i have a pretty long list now. the only problem is my hit rate on that list is like 5%. i think the rumour that new yorkers are very busy people is true. no one picks up the phone during the day (yes, i call during the day for them). and those that do, are like "i'm busy right now, can you call in an hour?" oh man. am i going to get sucked in myself?? help!
i stumbled across this room going for 600/m which is like insanely cheap for the area. i called the guy and asked about the room. he said i get the living room which he doesn't have to walk through to get to his room. i'll have to share a bathroom, kitchen and dining room. ok, sounds reasonable so far.
"how old are you"
"where are you from?"
blah blah blah.
"erm, so is there a door/partition separating the living room from the rest of the house?"
"well, there's a curtain." -- a curtain???
"oh. ok"
"i'm not around most of the time anyway"
"oh really? why not?"
"I go to atlantic city. i gamble."
"oh." drunk gambler psycho peeping-tom rapist!!!! omg!!!! "ok, i'll think about it and let you know."
on the brighter side, i managed to get this lady who sounds nice and reasonable and apparently her place is big for ny and she doesn't mind me having guests which is very important. so sleuth RU is on the assignment to give me the scoop on the place. harhar. whoop! (good luck for the interview ru!)
and so my adventure for the night ended with only one lead. :(
and just fyi, the porepack did NOT rip out the gunk as i hoped it would. shit. all that pain and waiting for nothing. NOTHING!!!